Publication Date : 2007-12-07
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0198565968 ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780198565963 Binding: Paperback
Book Description:
Flowers are the beautiful and complex reproductive structures of the angiosperms,one of the most diverse and successful groups of living organisms. Theunderlying thesis of this book is that to fully understand plantdevelopment (and why flowers differ in shape, structure and colour), itis necessary to understand why it is advantageous for them to look likethey do. Conversely, in order to fully understand plant ecology, it isnecessary to appreciate how floral structures have adapted and evolved.Uniquely, this book addresses flowers and flowering from both amolecular genetic perspective (considering flower induction,development and self-incompatibility) and an ecological perspective(looking at the selective pressures placed on plants by pollinators,and the consequences for animal-plant co-evolution). emUnderstandingFlowers and Flowering/em first considers the evolutionof flowers and the history of research into their development. This isfollowed by a detailed description of the processes which lead toflower production in model plants. The book then examines how flowersdiffer in shape, structure and colour, and how these differences aregenerated. Finally it assesses the role of these various aspects offloral biology in attracting pollinators and ensuring successful reproduction. In so doing, it provides the first truly integrated study of the topic - one that discusses both the how? and why? of flowering plant reproductive biology. The breadth of coverage and integrated approach makes this advanced textbookan ideal choice for anyone interested in any aspect of floral biology.It will be particularly suitable for graduate level students takingcourses in plant development, ecology, evolution, and reproductivebiology.
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