لماذا لا يمكن نقل صفه مقاومة المبيدات الى نحل العسل
النتائج 1 إلى 3 من 3

الموضوع: لماذا لا يمكن نقل صفه مقاومة المبيدات الى نحل العسل

  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jul 2007
    طالب بكلية الزراعة

    demand لماذا لا يمكن نقل صفه مقاومة المبيدات الى نحل العسل

    تحيه طيبه وبعد
    سلام الله عليكم و رحمته و بركاته
    انا دارس في النحل ....

    الى كل المشرفين و الاعضاء و الزوار ..الخ
    لقد عرض على سؤل و لا اعرف اجابته و اريده ضرورى جدا
    لماذا لا يمكن نقل صفه مقاومة المبيدات الى نحل العسل؟؟؟؟؟؟
    ارجو ان تكون الاجابه علميه
    انتظر اجابتكم على الرسائل الخاصه او التعليقات او الاميل الخاص
    وجزاكم الله خيرا

    مواضيع مشابهة:
    ان الله لا يضيع اجر من احسن عملا

  2.    روابط المنتدى

  3. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jul 2007
    طالب بكلية الزراعة

    يعنى محدش رد .............

  4. #3
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2009

    [QUOTE=المستقبل;41943]تحيه طيبه وبعد
    سلام الله عليكم و رحمته و بركاته
    انا دارس في النحل ....

    الى كل المشرفين و الاعضاء و الزوار ..الخ
    لقد عرض على سؤل و لا اعرف اجابته و اريده ضرورى جدا
    لماذا لا يمكن نقل صفه مقاومة المبيدات الى نحل العسل؟؟؟؟؟؟
    ارجو ان تكون الاجابه علميه
    انتظر اجابتكم على الرسائل الخاصه او التعليقات او الاميل الخاص
    وجزاكم الله خيرا[/QUOTE]

    Salamc Alikum, This the third time I treid to send you the answer to yourquestion however, because of the time constrain I get myself disconnected. Anyway the answer to your question is as follow. Insects are known for theirability to develop resistance to insecticides. There are many factors todeveloping resistance. In a population of insects there may be a few individualsthat carry the genes for resistance. These genes arise from mutations and arerare 1%. Upon exposure to insecticides, insects that do not carry the resistancegenes, 99%, die, thus allowing the individuals with the resistance genes tosurvive and reproduce, creating more resistant insects. With every generationthe number of resistant insects increase. . Therefore, resistant developmentvery costly to aa insect species. Honey bees like other insects developresistant to chemicals. An example, if a farmer sprayed chemicals in his farmamany of the bee colonieies will die, however, few colonies will stay alive. these few colonies are the one that are resoistant to the chemicals. In factbees develop reistant, however, because the big loose of colonoies it seemesthat bees don't develop resistance. The situation is the same with pests themajority die due to the chemicals application, however, since you cant see thehumge mortality of it, all you see is that the pest is coming back and resistthe chemicals. No both bees and pests die in great number and the 1% left arethose responcible to develop a nresistant offspring. You can bred from theosealive colonies;however, it is not for the advantage of human because if thesebees resistant to chemicals we are not and eating such honey is poison for us. Another example, if you analyze the honey in these survived colonies after thefarmer spray chemicals you will find that the honey contain residue of thatchemicals. If the residue exceed the limit, it will not be suitable for humanconsumption. There are bees and insects that tolerate different degreees ofchemicals concentartion and by exposing bees or pests into these chemicals theybecome resistance to high doses of such chemicals. An example, a deadly dose ofDDT for bees is 6 parts per million. Scientist have found that the bees inBrazil accumulate DDT in their bodies to concentrations as high as 42,000 partsper million. That is more than four percent of the bee's total body weight! Yetthe bees show no ill effects from the DDT. Hope thisanswer your question. SalamAlikum