System Uniformity Coefficient

System Uniformity Coefficient is a numeric judgment of the overall performance of an irrigation system’s ability to evenly apply water to the field.

A System Uniformity Coefficient of 85 percent or greater, is considered not to need major adjustments to the sprinkler package, although individual sections of the irrigator may benefit from corrections (green or black in the spreadsheet).

System Uniformity Coefficient of 80 to 85 percent may need further analysis of the sprinkler package, and individual sections of the irrigator would benefit from corrections (yellow in the spreadsheet).

System Uniformity Coefficient of less than 80 percent requires an adjustment to the sprinkler package design and correction of individual sections of the sprinkler package (red in the spreadsheet).

Creating a Take-home Message for the Producer

The System Uniformity Coefficient provides the producer with a report of the overall performance of the system. Almost all systems will benefit from some corrections. Correction of areas of the system with greater than 20 percent deviation from average (red in the spreadsheet) will improve performance. Entering a second data set, replacing the red (high deviation) data with the “average catch can (ml)” data, will create a before/after scenario that will identify the benefits of repairs or corrections to the system.

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