تذكر بعض المراجع أنه شراب روسي تقليدي ومصدره جبال القوقاز وله هناك تسميات عديدة kephir, kiaphur, kefer, knapon, kepi, kippi .
وناتج التخمر هو الايثانول وثاني أوكسيد الكربون . وأنه حسب السلالات البكتيرية والخمائر المكونة له قد تصل نسبة الكحول خلال 16 ساعة فيه 0.16-0.5% .
هنا نتائج أبحاث سابقة حول نسبة الكحول في المنتج:
Ethanol contents in kefir ranged widely in the literature. For example, Duitschaever et al. ( 3 ) reported that 0.12 to 0.18% ethanol was produced in sequential fermentation of kefir. Marshall and Cole ( 12) reported that 0.17% ethanol made a good kefir, and Libudzisz and Piatkiewicz ( 11) reported the appropriate range of ethanol in Polish kefir was 0.035 to 2.0%. Koreleva ( 8 ) reported, however, that more than 2.0% ethanol was produced in kefirs made in a Russian farm, but only 0.01% to 0.05 ethanol was found in another kefir made from combined starter cultures. Koreleva ( 8 ) indicated that the percentage of ethanol in kefir depended on the starter culture, time and temperature of fermentation, and type of containers
المراجع :.
Duitschaever, C. L., N. Kemp, and D. Emmons. 1987. Pure culture formulation and procedure for the
production of kefir. Milchwissenschaft 42230
Koroleva, N. S. 1988. Technology of kefir and kumys. Page 96 in Bull. 227. Int. Dairy Fed., Brussels, Belgium
Libudzisz, Z., and A. Piatkiewicz. 1990. Kefir production in Poland. Dairy Ind. Int. 5531
Marshall, V. M., and W. M. Cole. 1985. Method for making kefir and fermented milks based on kefir. J. Dairy Res. 52:452.
وهنا ملخص بحث لمحاولة تقليل نسبة الكحول في لبن الكيفير ليصبح ملائم للتخزين .
Biostabilization of Kefir with a Nonlactose-Fermenting Yeast
H. S. Kwak 1, S. K. Park 2, and D. S. Kim 2
1 Department of Food Science and Technology, Sejong University, 98 Kunja-dong, Kwangjin-gu, Seoul, 133-747, Korea
2 Department of Dairy Science, Kyungpook National University, Sangyuk-dong, Buk-gu, Taegu, 702-701, Korea
The biostabilization of kefir was studied using sequential fermentation of milk with a nonlactose-fermenting yeast culture and mixed cultures of lactic acid bacteria. To simulate kefir manufacturing, reconstituted skim milk containing three concentrations of glucose (0.4, 0.5 and 1.0%) was fermented first with the yeast culture, followed by lactic fermentation. The yeast fermentation produced ethanol, but the ethanol production did not continue during lactic fermentation with 0.4 and 0.5% of added glucose. However, some continued ethanol production occurred at 1.0% of added glucose. This pattern appeared to be extended to the refrigerated and room storage. During fermentation, all samples showed similar trends in pH reduction, but higher percentages of added glucose caused faster reduction in pH. The titratable acidity showed trends comparable with the pH changes. With 0.4% added glucose, the yeast culture containing Saccharomyces cerevisiae utilized 98% of the added glucose and produced 0.07% ethanol at 31°C during 16 h; the mixed lactic cultures utilized 29% of the lactose at 22°C during the additional fermentation of 16 h. Little change occurred during storage at 5°C for 7 d. The selected strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae appeared to be effective in stabilizing kefir products during storage.
وفي النهاية نضع المسألة بين يدي أهل الاختصاص في علوم الاغذية والألبان
والسؤال هل القصص المنسوجة عنه في المنتديات العربية انه يشفي من كل داء حقيقية أم أننا نحب نسج الخيال حول شئ مجهول عنا ! وخاصة أن من يقولون أن قريبه أو صديقه أو والده قد استخدمه وشفي تماما يذكر أن أحد معارفه أحضره من الهند وهو فطر يزرع في الهند !
وللعلم في أوربا وروسيا ودول أخرى يتواجد في الاسواق مثل اللبن الرائب وأحيانا بنكهات متعددة