مهارات الاتصال فى اللغه الانجليزيه الجزء الخامسEnglish Communication Skills

مهارات الاتصال فى اللغه الانجليزيه الجزء الخامسEnglish Communication Skills

  1. professor4ever
    Sequencing actions
    كلمات الترتيب ( التتابع )

    First of all
    After that

    Making suggestions

    Shall I / we... (do
    Let's... (do
    Why don't I / we... (do
    How about... (doing
    What about... (doing
    I think we should... (do
    I suggest that we... (do
    It might be a good idea if we / you... (do
    I think the best way of dealing with this situation would be to... (do
    If you ask me, I think we / you should... (do
    We could

    Agreeing to a suggestion
    الموافقة على اقتراح

    Yes, I think that's a good idea
    That's probably the best option
    Sure, why not
    Yes, definitely
    By all means
    Good idea

    Rejecting a suggestion
    رفض اقتراح

    Yes, but wouldn't it be better to... (do
    That's a good idea, but... (do

    Making invitations
    تقديم الدعوات

    What are you doing on... (day
    Have you got any plans for... (day/time of day
    Would you like to... (do
    Do you fancy... (doing
    What about... (doing

    Accepting an invitation
    قبول دعوة

    Yes, I'd love to
    Yes, that would be great
النتائج 1 إلى 1 من 1