مهارات الاتصال فى اللغه الانجليزيه الجزء العاشرEnglish Communication Skills

مهارات الاتصال فى اللغه الانجليزيه الجزء العاشرEnglish Communication Skills

  1. professor4ever
    Expressing two points of view
    التعبير عن وجهتين للنظر

    On the one hand..., on the other hand
    Although I'd..., I certainly wouldn't
    While I might..., I don't think I'd
    Of course I'd..., but I'm not sure if I'd
    There's no doubt that it would..., but there's also a chance it might

    Giving examples
    إعطاء الأمثلة

    For example
    For instance
    One example of this is
    To give you an idea
    Look at the case of
    Take, for example
    Let' say

    Justifying your opinions
    تبرير الرأى ( أعطاء الأسباب )

    Personally, I (don't) think... because
    Let's (not)... because
    In my opinion, I (don't) feel... because
    I would definitely (not)... because
    It would be better to... as
    I (don't) feel that it's important to... as
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