17-09-2008, 09:44 PM
Learn English with BBC World Service
BBC World Service broadcasts radio programmes for learners and teachers of English. Many programmes include explanations in the learner’s own language. The programmes are graded to suit all levels of learner and cover a variety of topics, such as English for business, current affairs, science, literature, music and English teaching.
Many of the radio programmes are accompanied by printed material, including free information sheets and booklets. These support materials are based on the content of the radio programmes and also contain additional background information on the subjects covered.
Action Plan for Teachers is one of three new booklets from BBC World Service. The other two are
The Mediator
, which uses authentic material to present and explain the language used in the news and broadcast media
and which is of particular interest to anyone pursuing a career in the media, and The Business, which is a self-help guide
to essential business concepts - from entrepreneurship to globalisation - that includes practical help on how to get ahead.
The BBC World Service’s Learning English website is a comprehensive online resource for both learners and teachers of English. Material from the radio programmes plus information on many topics associated with English language learning can
be found on these pages. The site also includes interactive exercises combining audio, video and text and can be found at: (
For an automatic email response giving information about English learning and teaching programmes, send an email to:
To find out more about learning English with BBC World Service, write to:
BBC World Learning
BBC World Service
Bush House
BBC World Service broadcasts radio programmes for learners and teachers of English. Many programmes include explanations in the learner’s own language. The programmes are graded to suit all levels of learner and cover a variety of topics, such as English for business, current affairs, science, literature, music and English teaching.
Many of the radio programmes are accompanied by printed material, including free information sheets and booklets. These support materials are based on the content of the radio programmes and also contain additional background information on the subjects covered.
Action Plan for Teachers is one of three new booklets from BBC World Service. The other two are
The Mediator
, which uses authentic material to present and explain the language used in the news and broadcast media
and which is of particular interest to anyone pursuing a career in the media, and The Business, which is a self-help guide
to essential business concepts - from entrepreneurship to globalisation - that includes practical help on how to get ahead.
The BBC World Service’s Learning English website is a comprehensive online resource for both learners and teachers of English. Material from the radio programmes plus information on many topics associated with English language learning can
be found on these pages. The site also includes interactive exercises combining audio, video and text and can be found at: (
For an automatic email response giving information about English learning and teaching programmes, send an email to:
To find out more about learning English with BBC World Service, write to:
BBC World Learning
BBC World Service
Bush House