تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اسمها ايه

شيمو حنه
09-03-2019, 04:18 PM
السلام عليكم اسمها ايه وشكرا
https://i.postimg.cc/28Ffv21B/DSC-0327.jpg (https://f.zira3a.net/ext.php?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpostimg.c c%2FRNF8x1QM)

محمد سكر
10-03-2019, 10:49 AM
https://i.postimg.cc/6psMGTrH/hqdefault.jpg (https://f.zira3a.net/ext.php?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpostimage s.org%2F)

شيمو حنه
14-03-2019, 05:23 PM
السلام عليكم يرب نعرف نستفيد ان شاء الله

أحلام دنخا سليمان
14-03-2019, 11:28 PM
اختي هاي شكل خنفساء بس ممكن اعرف على اي محصول كانت حتى اعرف اسمها علمي بلضبط
واكيد لها أضرار من قبل يرقات والبالغة للخنفساء

- -- - - تم تحديث المشاركة بما يلي - - - - - -

واضحة ونبين انها خنفساء ولها اضرار من قبل يرقات والبالغات على محصول النبات

أحلام دنخا سليمان
05-04-2019, 01:52 PM
https://i.postimg.cc/DwFWfS2G/56391621-2160436257601183-7089820674352480256-n.jpg (https://f.zira3a.net/ext.php?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpostimage s.org%2F)

https://i.postimg.cc/hPRvMXQY/56400453-2160436314267844-7242104903110230016-n.jpg (https://f.zira3a.net/ext.php?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpostimage s.org%2F)

The golden Cetonia (Cetonia aurata for entomologists!) Is sometimes called "rose chafer" because it likes this type of flowers, and even a little too much according to the rose gardeners who often consider it harmful, because it "chews" more than it grabs, which the delicacy of the flower does not appreciate.
group of cetonia aurataNext regions the adult insect appears from April to June, and it can meet until September-October. In this last case it is about isolated copies, and outputs certainly anticipated and somewhat untimely. The Golden Cetonia flies with great ease and the elytra remain closed, a detachment of their lateral border allowing the passage of the membranous wing.

The insect likes the sun and it is not uncommon to meet it in the gardens where it delights in foraging in roses, as already said, but also in the flowering clusters of lilacs, privet, or even the pyracantha. Out of our parks and gardens the golden cetonia is most commonly found on the thistles and umbelliferous inflorescences, but also on the flowers of Elderberry, Hawthorn, and of course the Eglantier ie wild rose.

The size of the adult insect oscillates between 15 and 20 mm, and the basic color is metallic green with small whitish, and transverse, elytra macules. Very many variations are however observable but they are mostly confined in the southern half of France, and Corsica itself has its specificities chromatic

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https://i.postimg.cc/Hngm07v4/56811271-2160436194267856-6699512239973466112-n.jpg (https://f.zira3a.net/ext.php?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpostimage s.org%2F)