14-12-2006, 11:57 PM
خليفة كولومبوس اطلق اسمه العربي على اميركا
Who ever thought that we the Arabs had
contributed to the naming of the New World? Very ironic indeed not to mention very funny! It all began while going through the pages of the “Al Arabi” magazine. The title of the article is the Successor of Columbus Names America after his Arabic Name by the French Scholar “Blachir
The Italian Americo Vesbutchi went on multiple expeditions to the New World. The geographic expert Valdsimoler says that “Vesbutchi didn’t originally carry the name of Americo but was rather called Alberkio. However, upon his first crossing of the Atlantic after Columbus and boarding the specified ship for that journey, it happened to be that most of its sailors were Arabs from Andalusia and North Africa. So the shipmaster shouted to the sailors pointing to the captain saying this is
“اميركم” “americom”
Visbutchi asked about the name that he heard being shouted and he was told that it meant this is your leader. Alberkio liked the meaning of this Arabic word so he replaced his original name with “Americo” which had the “o” at its end instead of the “m” in “americom” to ensure that it matches Italian names. Consequently this name was used to name the new continent America
Who ever thought that we the Arabs had
contributed to the naming of the New World? Very ironic indeed not to mention very funny! It all began while going through the pages of the “Al Arabi” magazine. The title of the article is the Successor of Columbus Names America after his Arabic Name by the French Scholar “Blachir
The Italian Americo Vesbutchi went on multiple expeditions to the New World. The geographic expert Valdsimoler says that “Vesbutchi didn’t originally carry the name of Americo but was rather called Alberkio. However, upon his first crossing of the Atlantic after Columbus and boarding the specified ship for that journey, it happened to be that most of its sailors were Arabs from Andalusia and North Africa. So the shipmaster shouted to the sailors pointing to the captain saying this is
“اميركم” “americom”
Visbutchi asked about the name that he heard being shouted and he was told that it meant this is your leader. Alberkio liked the meaning of this Arabic word so he replaced his original name with “Americo” which had the “o” at its end instead of the “m” in “americom” to ensure that it matches Italian names. Consequently this name was used to name the new continent America