13-12-2006, 08:13 PM
To Plough with Pencil
On a calm clear evening, I sat on the balcony of our house gazing at the dark page of the sky. The moon was not shining that night nor could I observe the twinkle of any star, yet my gaze lingered on for quite some time awaiting that elusive muse. On my lap, lay a blank white page and in my grip, a pen without its black cap, ready to charge and take down any idea the muse could throw at me. I waited for what seemed like a century, yet the heavens proved that night to hold no fruits for me to pluck
I then endeavored to grow my own after
getting weary of the wait. The task proved difficult for Ihadn’t practiced this kind of cultivation for a long time. I proceeded by creating a storm, the kind which needs a pencil and allows the barren white striped land to be irrigated with ideas
On a separate sheet, the storm began to form, at its eye “writing” and twirling around it where ten other words: creativity, skill, passion, ritual, intellect, communication, serenity, pen, paper, inspiration. In the interval of 15 minutes, the storm hammered the white soil with seeds or ideas till it turned black from being enriched with them
Not all ideas could be used of course, so I managed to cross out the bad seeds before I planted them into the paper. Some of those ideas were: writing in free time can help improve this skill, writing and reading are two great skills that need mastering, writing notes and keeping a journal can prove beneficial. All of these ideas are valid but do not serve my goal which is to say that writing is a process that involves many stages and requires patience and perseverance
The remaining ideas, the good seeds, sunk into the soil and took the form of an outline with the emergence of small green leaves from beneath the cultivated lined earth. These were scattered and incomplete yet, but with further contemplation and elaboration they would take on another form and grow across the line. These green leaves looked something like this
Writing is a process that has many stages and needs patience & perseverance
I. First stage
a. Prewriting
Free writing
Brain storming
When my first crop began to take shape, I
discovered between the paragraphs many gaps ......... that needed filling, and some lexikal and grammatical pests that I needed to eradicate because they were eating away the meaning and chiping (I mean chipping) my ideas
I kept a watchful eye for these, viewed, reviewed and edited, and after two hours or so my first crop was ready to be harvested
How did it turn out? Well, I believe I did alright though it is not for me to decide. Yet it goes without saying that the process is challenging and difficult if one is not used to it. It needs effort and for one to be consistent. Victor Hugo used to write a sentence everyday and Johnson says:"What is written without effort is in "general read without pleasure
On a calm clear evening, I sat on the balcony of our house gazing at the dark page of the sky. The moon was not shining that night nor could I observe the twinkle of any star, yet my gaze lingered on for quite some time awaiting that elusive muse. On my lap, lay a blank white page and in my grip, a pen without its black cap, ready to charge and take down any idea the muse could throw at me. I waited for what seemed like a century, yet the heavens proved that night to hold no fruits for me to pluck
I then endeavored to grow my own after
getting weary of the wait. The task proved difficult for Ihadn’t practiced this kind of cultivation for a long time. I proceeded by creating a storm, the kind which needs a pencil and allows the barren white striped land to be irrigated with ideas
On a separate sheet, the storm began to form, at its eye “writing” and twirling around it where ten other words: creativity, skill, passion, ritual, intellect, communication, serenity, pen, paper, inspiration. In the interval of 15 minutes, the storm hammered the white soil with seeds or ideas till it turned black from being enriched with them
Not all ideas could be used of course, so I managed to cross out the bad seeds before I planted them into the paper. Some of those ideas were: writing in free time can help improve this skill, writing and reading are two great skills that need mastering, writing notes and keeping a journal can prove beneficial. All of these ideas are valid but do not serve my goal which is to say that writing is a process that involves many stages and requires patience and perseverance
The remaining ideas, the good seeds, sunk into the soil and took the form of an outline with the emergence of small green leaves from beneath the cultivated lined earth. These were scattered and incomplete yet, but with further contemplation and elaboration they would take on another form and grow across the line. These green leaves looked something like this
Writing is a process that has many stages and needs patience & perseverance
I. First stage
a. Prewriting
Free writing
Brain storming
When my first crop began to take shape, I
discovered between the paragraphs many gaps ......... that needed filling, and some lexikal and grammatical pests that I needed to eradicate because they were eating away the meaning and chiping (I mean chipping) my ideas
I kept a watchful eye for these, viewed, reviewed and edited, and after two hours or so my first crop was ready to be harvested
How did it turn out? Well, I believe I did alright though it is not for me to decide. Yet it goes without saying that the process is challenging and difficult if one is not used to it. It needs effort and for one to be consistent. Victor Hugo used to write a sentence everyday and Johnson says:"What is written without effort is in "general read without pleasure