مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Is this a Poem??
31-01-2008, 12:40 PM
The Uncertainty of the Poet by Wendy Cope
‘The Tate Gallery yesterday announced that it had paid £1 million for a Giorgo de Chirico
masterpiece, the Uncertainty of the Poet. It depicts a torso and a bunch of bananas’.
(Guardian, 2 April 1985)
I am a poet
I am very fond of bananas
I am bananas
I am very fond of a poet
I am a poet of banana.
I am very fond
A fond poet of ‘I am, I am’
Very bananas
Fond of ‘Am I bananas
Am I?’ – a very poet
Bananas of a poet!
Am I fond?’ Am I very?
Poet bananas! I am
I am fond of a ‘very’
I am of very fond bananas
Am I a poet?
02-02-2008, 12:16 AM
Uncommonly yes, It is a poem. However it seems to be a poem by a modern poet, as poetry after the 20th century no longer had an obvious goal or shape, as before. So it's not surprising to read such a poem. As you read more, you'll get to know more weird ones. Modern art is very much represented in modern paintings, most of which are - to the normal spectator - mere lines, rectangles, and other geometrical shapes; they appear very abstract. I know not much about painting, but I thought of it as an example to illustrate to you that your question is not uncommon. By the way the following portrate is one of the examples of modern art. It is originally vertical but I made it horizontal as I thought it won't make any difference!! :- )
02-02-2008, 12:50 AM
Thanks for the explanation...
the portrate is not that bad...it has some geometric shapes and colors at least
02-02-2008, 02:23 AM
Salam Alekom
After i read this poem i said OH MY GOD!!
It`s unbelievable poetry..it seems easy but what is point?
Pointless poem or meaningless!
Anyway thanks for it .. and i`ll try to read it more and more to understand it..
Best wish
02-02-2008, 02:41 AM
wa alikum assalam
sister Citrus, I thank your sharing and
I appologize for posting this poem which seemed pointless and maybe meaningless
it seemed so to me as well..
but i found it in some english material that teaches creative writing
next time i'll count for 1000 before posting any
: )
07-02-2008, 12:32 AM
Salam Alekom
hahahahahha, U know sis ethylene
i belevie now that Pointless or meaningless pome is point in itself
as you say "creative writing"
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