تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : البنفسج الامريكي

محمد علي الحسين
26-05-2015, 12:14 PM
البنفسج الامريكي نبات معمر اسمه اللاتيني Viola labradorica يتبع الفصيلة البنفسجية Violaceae و يعرف ببنفسج لابرادوريكا و بنفسج الباين و البنفسج الحلو نبات مفترش على الارض ينتشر في قارة أمريكا الشمالية أزهاره بنفسجية بينما مجموعه الخضري أخضر برونزي يميل للارجواني يستعمل كمغطيات تربة و للحدائق الصخرية.
https://i.postimg.cc/zDT7Mx9c/56-F1-AB27-FE0468035-E3-D24-A5-E673-DBD0.jpg (https://postimg.cc/yWY03y6m)

https://i.postimg.cc/L6RDMzS6/e78124.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

https://i.postimg.cc/02ff5b5G/Viola-labradorica-2.jpg (https://postimg.cc/SJn8DQMj)

جمال من الجزائر
27-05-2015, 09:13 PM
البنفسج الذي يوجد عندنا , و اضن في باقي البلدان العربية المطلة على البحر المتوسط هو viola odorata و لو انه ينموا في المناطق الرطبة ,

http://www.google.fr/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://newfs.s3.amazonaws.com/taxon-images-1000s1000/Violaceae/viola-odorata-ha-kuleuven.jpg&sa=X&ei=RQZmVZn4JuS67gbk6oH4Bg&ved=0CAkQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNErTogl2timsHdR6HS5xU5diiF Xug

غير ان نبتة شبيهة في الشكل بعيدة في التصنيف ,هي اكثر انتشارا عندنا في الشمال حيث موطنها الاصلي , و هي cyclamen africanum .

Distribution & Habitat

Cyclamen africanum grows in scrub and rocky gullies in northern Algeria and Tunisia. It is very closely allied to C. hederifolium, with which it will interbreed. There are diploid (chromosome count 2n=34) and tetraploid (2n=68) forms of C. africanum which are said to differ from each other in that the diploid plant has smaller leaves with different shaped petioles and the flowers are said to be fragrant. The tetraploid plant is sometimes referred to as C. commutatum Schwarz & Lepper, but this distinction is controversial and rarely used since it relies on the chromosome count rather than any visual characteristics.


Cyclamen africanum is a vigorous plant with large coarse, bright green, leathery leaves up to 15cm long and wide. Leaf patterns are generally less distinct than in many other species although a 'silver' leafed form exists. The leaves generally rise directly from the tuber, and this is one of the principal differences between this species and C. hederifolium. The leaves are often very large, frequently exceeding 10cm ( 4 inches) in diameter. The flowers generally appear before or with the young leaves between September & November, and like the leaves arise almost directly from the tuber on 11-22cm (4-8 inch) pedicels. The petals vary in colour from pale pink to a deep rose-pink.

Cyclamen africanum is not a hardy plant and requires protection from frost (Zone 9), but as with many similar plants although a light frost will cut down the leaves the tuber will probably survive. In very hot sun the leaves will suffer but the plant should not generally be grown in shade as it will quickly become drawn. Compared with other species it is a gross feeder and tubers will grow rapidly in size and have been know to split plastic pots. Once the leaves have withered in late spring, the plant should be kept dry until growth reappears in the autumn.

و هذه صورة له , اخذتها في الخريف المنصرم في منطقة جبلية شمال الجزائر , اسمه بالامازيغية عندنا تازردات , اضن ان البعض يسميه سرة الارض بالعربية
