05-01-2008, 12:18 AM
Friday, January 5, 2007
exactly a year before today....
...It was around an hour before dawn time when we had to take my father to the hospital. ..
The ambulance arrived, and while they were preparing to take him down, my sister and I were waiting in our car.
The nearby mosque started reciting some recitations which are "traditionally" recited before Fajr prayers.. so we knew that the fajr prayer was soon, but I told my sister we'll pray at the hospital, inshalla we'll find a place.
While waiting in the car, we noticed that it was starting to rain .. mild drops of rain.
We took advantage of this to recite more du'aa that Allah would help my father get well.
When they finally carried him in the ambulance and headed to the hospital, we followed them.
Once we reached, we headed to see my dad in the emergency room. It was the first time that I observe a scene like that...
( When later I described the scene to a friend who knows about this, she told me that this is one of the signs of....... i)
Few moments after that, we were told to go out of the room and rest in the lounge.
We took advantage of this to pray the fajr...
After that we went back to see if we can be in, but the door was still closed and we weren't allowed.
So we went back to the lounge .
This was strange! i
Later came a doctor to tell us: " the heart of your father is so weak, we're doing our best.. ". I said:" we were here only last week and u told us he was fine, and no need to come unless it's emegent, and here we've come now because it's emergent ! "
He answered back: "yes I know you were here last time, but these things happen unexpectedly, we're doing our best.."
and he went back to the room..
then came back after a while to tell us the sadest news that I've ever heard in my whole lifetime....
We had to deliver this sad news even to our brother who is faraway.
How was he going to receive it from a distance?
But he must know.............. at least to come and particpate in the prayer if he can...........
unfortunately he couldn't make it until after Asr time, he arrived .........
At that time I knew that it would be a turning point in my life.
In the first 3 days, I could distinguish "friend" from " non-friend"
People were coming and filling the house, but I couldn't stay with them much,
NO... not with the gossiping ones,
not the ones who were exchanging latest jokes,
not the ones who were smoking !!
Did they ask for permission before smoking?!!
I asked myself, are they really coming because of dad? i
Do they really feel they've lost him as much as we do? i
I doubt it....
that's why I said I distinguished "friend" from "non-friend"
few of them have really felt the loss... I admit
one of them told me:
why are you wearing black, it is not sunna to wear black on funerals, we should were white !!!
she added confidently
Sorrow is not in color it is in the heart !!
ok.... thanks for the instruction, Madam! ! i
she didn't know that I didn't have time to think what shall I be wearing !
She didn't even know that most of my daily "colors" are dark and black !!
so I don't keep this for funerals only.........! i
Smoking, gossiping...are more of "Sunna" than wearing black?
what kind of words are hers,
how could she think of them,
and even say them to me ....!
At that critical moment !!
I left and went to my room !!!
I felt I want to tell my father the following:
You are my lost treasure,
You were my instant relief,
You were my continuous pleasure,
With your teachings and strong Belief,
I'll fight the upcoming pressure,
I'll overcome the grief
exactly a year before today....
...It was around an hour before dawn time when we had to take my father to the hospital. ..
The ambulance arrived, and while they were preparing to take him down, my sister and I were waiting in our car.
The nearby mosque started reciting some recitations which are "traditionally" recited before Fajr prayers.. so we knew that the fajr prayer was soon, but I told my sister we'll pray at the hospital, inshalla we'll find a place.
While waiting in the car, we noticed that it was starting to rain .. mild drops of rain.
We took advantage of this to recite more du'aa that Allah would help my father get well.
When they finally carried him in the ambulance and headed to the hospital, we followed them.
Once we reached, we headed to see my dad in the emergency room. It was the first time that I observe a scene like that...
( When later I described the scene to a friend who knows about this, she told me that this is one of the signs of....... i)
Few moments after that, we were told to go out of the room and rest in the lounge.
We took advantage of this to pray the fajr...
After that we went back to see if we can be in, but the door was still closed and we weren't allowed.
So we went back to the lounge .
This was strange! i
Later came a doctor to tell us: " the heart of your father is so weak, we're doing our best.. ". I said:" we were here only last week and u told us he was fine, and no need to come unless it's emegent, and here we've come now because it's emergent ! "
He answered back: "yes I know you were here last time, but these things happen unexpectedly, we're doing our best.."
and he went back to the room..
then came back after a while to tell us the sadest news that I've ever heard in my whole lifetime....
We had to deliver this sad news even to our brother who is faraway.
How was he going to receive it from a distance?
But he must know.............. at least to come and particpate in the prayer if he can...........
unfortunately he couldn't make it until after Asr time, he arrived .........
At that time I knew that it would be a turning point in my life.
In the first 3 days, I could distinguish "friend" from " non-friend"
People were coming and filling the house, but I couldn't stay with them much,
NO... not with the gossiping ones,
not the ones who were exchanging latest jokes,
not the ones who were smoking !!
Did they ask for permission before smoking?!!
I asked myself, are they really coming because of dad? i
Do they really feel they've lost him as much as we do? i
I doubt it....
that's why I said I distinguished "friend" from "non-friend"
few of them have really felt the loss... I admit
one of them told me:
why are you wearing black, it is not sunna to wear black on funerals, we should were white !!!
she added confidently
Sorrow is not in color it is in the heart !!
ok.... thanks for the instruction, Madam! ! i
she didn't know that I didn't have time to think what shall I be wearing !
She didn't even know that most of my daily "colors" are dark and black !!
so I don't keep this for funerals only.........! i
Smoking, gossiping...are more of "Sunna" than wearing black?
what kind of words are hers,
how could she think of them,
and even say them to me ....!
At that critical moment !!
I left and went to my room !!!
I felt I want to tell my father the following:
You are my lost treasure,
You were my instant relief,
You were my continuous pleasure,
With your teachings and strong Belief,
I'll fight the upcoming pressure,
I'll overcome the grief