مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مصنع لانتاج حليب الصويا ومشتقاته
27-11-2010, 12:05 AM
الاساد الأعضاء المحترمين
بداية معكم اخوكم ابو ريم من الكويت ، افكر حاليا بافتتاح ـول مصنع لانتاج حليب الصويا ومشتقاته في الكويت، لدي ولله الحمد الخبرة الإدارية اللازمة للإدارة ولكن ما ينقصني الخبرة الفنية لإدارة المصنع ، أود ان احصل على دراسة مبدئية تفصيلية لجميع الأكور الفنية التي يحتاجها المصنع بداءً من الإلات والمياكنيات المستخدمة بجميع مراحل انتاج حليب الصويا ومشتقاته ونهاية بتعليبه وكذلك الإستفادة من كافة ما يمكن انتاجه من حبة الصويا.
وأرجو من يقوم بتقديم المعلومات المطلوبة ان يكون على خبرة كافية و استعداد كامل بعد تقديم الدراسة والموافقة عليها للإشراف على مراحل تأسيس المصنع والإشراف على الإدارة الفنية للمصنع هنا في الكويت.
وشكرا للجميع
27-11-2010, 04:12 AM
ارجو من الاخوة المهتمين مراسلتي على ايميلي الخاص ahmedalmahdi[at]gmail.com (ahmedalmahdi[at]gmail.com)
جمال عبد العظيم
28-11-2010, 05:02 PM
ولنبدا بطريقة صناعة حليب الصويا
3 أكواب من فول الصويا
(وهي تكفي لصنع 17 إلى 23 كوب من حليب الصويا - يعني حوالي من أربعة لخمسة كيلو)،
28 كوب من الماء،
مصفاة ووعاء تحتها، قماش ناعم أو كيس (مثل الذي يستخدم لصنع اللبنة).
يتم نقع حبوب فول الصويا بـ 9 اكواب من الماء
قبل يوم من الطبخ بحوالي 12 ساعة حتى "تنفش" الحبة.
في الصباح يتم وضع الصويا مع الماء المنقوع فيها على النار
وتتم عملية التسخين حتى تصل إلى حوالي 80 درجة أي قبل درجة الغليان،
تطفأ بعدها النار ويترك جانباً حوالي 15 دقيقة.
يغلي في قدر 15 كوب من الماء " يمكن زيادتها أو تخفيفها حسب الرغبة في سماكة الحليب،
نصفي الصويا ونضع ماء النقع جانباً ثم ضعها في الخلاط الكهربائي
مع مراعاة الحفاظ على سخوتها،
ثم نقوم بعملية الهرس أو الطحن حتى يصبح المزيج ناعماً،
نضيف بعدها الماء المغلي بالتدريج إلى المزيج ونعيد خفقه جيداً.
ثم نضع خليط الصويا فوق باقي الماء المغلي
وننتظر حتى يصل إلى درجة الغليان ثم نرفعه جانباً
ونعيد العملية مرتين.
ثم تخفف النار إلى أدنى درجة ونتركه حوالي 10 دقائق
مع الانتباه بأن لا ندعه يلتصق بالقدر.
نضع المصفاة وتحتها وعاء وفوقها القماش الناعم أو " كيس اللبنة "
ونقوم بسكب الحليب فوق القماش ونغلقه جيداً
ونضغط عليه بوعاء حتى يتسرب كل حليب الصويا.
ثم يتم فتح القماش ونضيف إلى المزيج أربعة أكواب من الماء المغلي
ونحركه جيداً ثم نقوم بعصره جيداً حتى لا يبقى شيئا من خواص الصويا
ونحصل بذلك " ضمن الوعاء " على حليب الصويا المفيد والصحي. http://product-image.tradeindia.com/00218078/b/0/Soya-Milk-Extractor-Machine.jpg
http://f.zira3a.net/Product%20Description%20%20WSD-Wall%20made%20by%20stainless%20stee l,%20including%20grinder,%20economi c%20boiler,%20double-shape%20plate,%20can%20produce%20so ya%20milk,%20tofu,%20lactone%20tofu .%20And%20the%20boiler%20is%20no%20 press.%20%20%20%09%20%20HS%20Code:% 20%0984388000%20Trademark:%20%09luo ke%20Model%20NO.:%20%09WSD-W%20Productivity:%20%09soya%20milk% 20150kg/h,tofu%2050kg/h%20Origin:%20%09Beijing%20China%20 Packing:%20%09no%20Min.%20Order:%20 %091%20set%20Company:%20%09Beijing% 20Luoke%20Machinery%20Co.,%20Ltd.
Product Description
WSD-Wall made by stainless steel, including grinder, economic boiler, double-shape plate, can produce soya milk, tofu, lactone tofu. And the boiler is no press.
HS Code: 84388000 Trademark: luoke Model NO.: WSD-W Productivity
Denon Soya Milk Machine
• Neat, Durable & Compact in Size
- As big as your washing Machine at home
• “ Freshly Made & Sell” Product Marketing
- Emphasis of Product Freshness &
Minimize wastage.
• Minimal Training required
• Easy to operate – No messy handling,
3-in-1 Complete Process :
1 ) Grinding
2 ) Cooking
3 ) Ready to Serve
• Most Suitable for Today’s
Food & Beverage business such as :-
A) Canteen Outlet
B) Foodcourt
C) Hawker Centre
D) Fast Food
E) Restaurant
F) Cafeteria
G) Hotels
H) Club Houses & Others ... : soya milk 150kg/h,tofu 50kg/h Origin: Beijing China Packing: no Min. Order: 1 set Company
http://www.denonsoya.com.sg/MACH05.JPG: Beijing Luoke Machinery Co., Ltd. (http://www.made-in-china.com/showroom/luokecn/companyinfo/Beijing-Luoke-Machinery-Co-Ltd-.html)
جمال عبد العظيم
28-11-2010, 06:29 PM
رابط عن منتجات الصويا
Product Description
A compact unitized soymilk production machine. Available in30LPH and 90 LPH capacities. This machine requires only electrical, water and drain connections. Need steam(need normal press gas boiler which can produce steam).
Power: 1.5kW
Voltage: 220V
Output of tofu: 30kg/h
Output of soya milk: 90kg/h
Trademark: Luoke Model NO.: WSD-Y1 Productivity: soya milk 90kg/h,tofu 30kg/h Company: Beijing Luoke Machinery Co., Ltd. (http://www.made-in-china.com/showroom/luokecn/companyinfo/Beijing-Luoke-Machinery-Co-Ltd-.html)
Soy milk can be made from whole soybeans or full-fat soy flour. The dry beans are soaked in water overnight or for a minimum of 3 hours or more depending on the temperature of the water. The rehydrated beans then undergo wet grinding with enough added water to give the desired solids content to the final product. The ratio of water to beans on a weight basis should be about 10:1. The resulting slurry or purée is brought to a boil in order to improve its nutritional value by heat inactivating soybean trypsin inhibitor, improve its flavor and to sterilize the product. Heating at or near the boiling point is continued for a period of time, 15–20 minutes, followed by the removal of an insoluble residue (soy pulp fiber or okara) by filtration.
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_uNrNoxIvu2g/TNEd_G3CKlI/AAAAAAAADaQ/I_HmcWM_EWE/s1600/IMG_8419_soybeandrink.JPG (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_uNrNoxIvu2g/TNEd_G3CKlI/AAAAAAAADaQ/I_HmcWM_EWE/s1600/IMG_8419_soybeandrink.JPG)
Soy milk is found in many vegan and vegetarian food products and can be used as a replacement for cow's milk in many recipes.
"Sweet" and "salty" soy milk are both traditional Chinese breakfast foods, served either hot or cold, usually accompanied by breads like mantou (steamed rolls), youtiao (deep-fried dough), and shaobing (sesame flatbread). The soy milk is typically sweetened by adding cane sugar or, sometimes, simple syrup.
"Salty" soy milk is made with a combination of chopped pickled mustard greens, dried shrimp and, for curdling, vinegar, garnished with youtiao croutons, chopped scallion (spring onions), cilantro (coriander), meat floss (肉鬆; ròu sōng), or shallot as well as sesame oil, soy sauce, chili oil or salt to taste.
Soy milk is used in many kinds of Japanese cuisine, such as in making yuba as well as sometimes a base soup for nabemono. In Korean cuisine, soy milk is used as a soup for making kongguksu, cold noodle soup eaten mostly in summer. Tofu is produced from soy milk by further steps of curdling and then draining.
Soy milk is also used in making soy yogurt, soy cream, soy kefir and soy based cheese analogues.
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_uNrNoxIvu2g/TNEd-PaZSYI/AAAAAAAADaM/cKkE2lpBIh0/s1600/IMG_8422_soybeandrink.JPG (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_uNrNoxIvu2g/TNEd-PaZSYI/AAAAAAAADaM/cKkE2lpBIh0/s1600/IMG_8422_soybeandrink.JPG)
جمال عبد العظيم
28-11-2010, 08:07 PM
The FRENCH "Enhancer" Press
: The FRENCH Stationary Basket Extractor
(courtesy of The FRENCH Oilmill Machinery Co.)
جمال عبد العظيم
28-11-2010, 09:25 PM
Table 4.1 Typical analyses of soybeans and soy flour
( Protein, fat, fibre and ash given on moisture-free basis; Protein % = N% x 6.25)
Material Protein Moisture Fat Fibre Ash
% % % % % Soybeans
Full-fat soy flour
Defatted soy flour
Lecithinated soy flour 42.6 11.0 20.0 5.3 5.0
46.6 5.0 22.1 2.1 5.2
59.0 7.0 0.9 2.6 6.4
48.6 5.5 16.4 2.2 5.3
Source: Circle and Smith (1972)
Table 5.1 Amino acid composition of SCP and soy flour
(grams per 16g. notrogen)
AMINO ACID Soy flour Soy protein concentrate (SCP) Alcohol wash Acid wash Alanine
Aspartic acid
Glutamic acid
Valine 4.0
Composition and nutritional data for soymilk
Nutritional value per 100 g Cow's milk
Soymilk Whole Semi-skimmed Protein
kcal 3.4 g
3.5 g
4.6 g
64 3.5 g
1.5 g
5.4 g
49 3.6 g
2.3 g
3.4 g
49 Cholesterol 10 mg 5 mg 0 Lactose 4.6 g 5.4 g 0 Fatty acid composition Saturated
Mono-unsaturated 63.5%
33.5% 63.5%
33.5% 14.0%
Vandermoortele (UK) Ltd. (ALPRO soymilk)
8.3 Production processes
8-3-1 The traditional process This is the method by which soymilk is made for daily consumption , particularly in China. The soybeans are washed, soaked overnight and then ground to a slurry. Cold water is added. after thorough mixing, the dilute slurry is strained through cheese cloth and pressed. The extract (soymilk) is boiled, strained again and filled into various types of containers. This is a heavy, quite gritty suspension and has a strong beany flavour and chalky mouthfeel.
8-3-2 The Soya Technology Systems (STS) Process This is a complete technology-package making use of modern techniques of the dairy processing technology. A flow diagram of the process is shown in Fig. 36. Following is a description of the process principles, reproduced from the STS publication entitled "Soymilk in Brief" ( STS 1986 ).
Figure 36: Pictorial Layout of SDS Soymilk Plant
(Courtesy: Danish Turnkey Dairies Ltd.
"Producing a nutritious tasting soymilk for human consumption is thus considerably more complicated than just grinding the soybeans with water.
Certain factors have to be controlled during the process, such as:
- cleaning and dehulling without damaging the soybeans
- destruction of the lipoxidase enzymes which cause off- flavour development.
- elimination of flatulence-causing oligosaccharides
- inactivation of the trypsin inhibitors which are present in the raw soybeans......
- maintenance of high-protein efficiency ratio
- removal of undesirable smell
- removal of sedimentable solids. "
Soybean Varieties:
Any organization contemplating large scale production of soymilk should make a survey of the available types of soybeans in order to select those that will give those that will give soymilk with the best flavour and colour, and the best recovery of protein, solids, and fats. These factors vary widely from one soybean variety to another. High grade beans generally produce the best soymilk, and the large-seeded soybeans are considered to be the superior type.
Moulds and insects are the primary causes of quality deterioration in stored soybeans. Both are favoured by high moisture, warm temperatures and the presence of damaged soybeans and foreign material. This being the case, it is important that the soybeans be essentially sound, clean and dry if they are to be stored for any period of time. Moisture control is the key to successful storage.
Commercial soybeans contain varying amounts of foreign material such as dirt, dust, stones etc. It is vital for the production of high quality soymilk that this foreign material be removed.
Just as important is the elimination of damaged soybeans from the supply to the soymilk processing plant. This is necessary because the enzyme lipoxidase ... will have acted on the fatty acids in the damaged soybean cell tissue, producing compounds with the characteristic beany flavour.
Soybean hulls contain unwanted substances. Also the hulls are an obstruction to continued processing, especially in the decanter. Soil bacteria are present in the soybean hulls. The hulls should therefore be removed to reduce bacteria count in the soymilk, resulting in better flavour and shelf-life. Soybean hulls contain polysaccharides which should be removed to avoid off-flavours and processing problems caused by foaming. The holding time for heat treatment of the soybeans to inactivate undesired enzymes can be shortened when using dehulled soybeans. This will decrease protein denaturation and browning of the soymilk.
Dehulled soybeans produce a white, attractive, appetizing soymilk.
Blanching/Enzyme Inactivation:
Blanching of the soybeans in a solution of sodium bicarbonate at high temperature starts the inactivation of the bitter taste causing enzyme lipoxidase. This treatment also washes out water soluble oligosaccharides (flatulence causing) and starts the inactivation of trypsin inhibitor (reducing digestibility).
Grinding in a hot water solution of sodium bicarbonate converts the soybeans into a colloid solution (soyslurry) without unwanted enzyme activity.
Fibre Separation (decanting):
In order to avoid chalkiness and obtain a good mouthfeel of the soymilk, the insoluble fibres are filtered away. To achieve optimal results, a decanter centrifuge is used....
To remove unwanted volatile off-flavours the clarified soymilk base is deaerated by means of vacuum and parboiling in the deodorizer.
Water is added to the soymilk base to obtain the desired protein content of the soymilk...
Flavouring and Formulation:
One of the keys to widespread acceptance of soymilk is proper formulation, using sweetening and flavouring agents of the types and in the amounts suited to local tastes. The addition of oil to soymilk results in increased richness and creaminess (good mouthfeel) and adds calories....
Soymilk for school-feeding programs in developing countries is preferably fortified with vitamins and minerals, e.g. vitamin B-12 and calcium. Soymilk has only 1/5 of the calcium in cow's milk (but 1/2 of that in mother's milk).
Homogenization breaks down fat globules into very fine particles by forcing them under great pressure through minute valve openings, and distributes them evenly throughout the soymilk. Otherwise the fats would tend to lump together, rise to the surface, and separate as a distinct layer. Homogenization gives soymilk a creamier, more uniform consistency.
UHT (Ultra-high temperature) Treatment:
Direct method UHT treatment of soymilk serves two purposes:
(1) to inactivate bacteria thereby prolonging shelf life.
(2) to deodorize the soymilk..........
....The UHT treated product should be aseptically packed."
As it seen from the above description, the STS process makes use of advanced dairy processing techniques, such as Ultra-high temperature (UHT) sterilization and aseptic packaging. It is not surprising, therefore, that the process has been adopted by the Danish Turnkey Dairies Ltd., a company specializing in the supply and erection of dairy and related plants on a world wide basis. Fig. 37 shows a tri-dimensional layout of a standard 4,000 litre per hour soymilk plant supplied by the company.
Figure 37: Economic Feasibility of Adding a Second Decanter to Soymilk Production Line
(Courtesy: Danish Turnkey Dairies Ltd.)
The "dairy type" approach is widely applied in Japan. It has been reported that more than 75% of the soymilk in Japan is UHT processed and aseptically packaged. The price of soymilk in Japan is 25% higher than that of cow's milk.
As in all water extraction based processes for the production of soy milk, the STS process generates a by-product, namely the insoluble extraction residue or "pulp". This material comes out of the solids discharge of the decanter and contains the insoluble proteins and fibre as well as an entrapped portion of the extract. The yield of soy milk can be increased by providing an additional stage for the extraction of the residue with water, followed by an additional stage of separation in a second decanter. The economic feasibility of this second stage depend on the cost of a decanter against the price of soybeans. The determination of the break-even point is illustrated in Fig. 38. The pulp is not a waste but a useful by-product which can be sold as a feedstuff or a food ingredient with a highdietary fibre content and a good protein concentration.
جمال عبد العظيم
28-11-2010, 11:00 PM
The production of regular tofu has also been modernized and adapted to large scale manufacture. The first part of a tofu factory is, actually, a soymilk plant, as described in the previous chapter. The second half comprises the coagulation, curd washing and finishing operations.
The equipment of a complete tofu plant is described in Figures 46, 47 and 48. Fig. 46 refers to the soymilk preparation.
Fig. 47 shows the regular fresh tofu production line. Fig. 48 describes a line for the manufacture of pasteurized silk tofu.
Fig. 49 is a suggested layout for the same tofu plant.
Figure 46: Equipment Flow-diagram of a Tofu Plant
Part One: Preparation of Soymilk Courtesy of Nagasawa Co.
Figure 47: Equipment Flow-diagram of a Tofu Plant
Part Two: Curdling and Curd Handling Courtesy of Nagasawa Co.
Figure 48: Equipment Flow-diagram of a Tofu Plant
Part Three: Making Pasteurized Silken Tofu Courtesy of Nagasawa Co.
Figure 49: Layout of a Tofu Plant Courtesy of Nagasawa Co.
In addition to complete automated plants with high capacities, good quality small-scale equipment is available for production at the local shop level.
Being composed of a step of extraction followed by a step of precipitation, the manufacture of tofu is, in fact, similar to that of isolated soybean protein. Just as in the case of ISP, a residue (okara) and a whey are produced. This may be an inconvenience to small tofu plants which do not have the economy of scale necessary to turn the okara into a saleable product, and to dispose properly of the whey. In this case, the use of micromilled soy flour (see Chapter 8), soy protein concentrates and isolates may be preferable to whole soybeans as starting materials.
9-5-3 Kori-tofu
Kori-tofu is a dry, shelf-stable variety of tofu. The drying technique involves a unique freeze-thaw cycle, to liberate the bound water.
First a tofu is made, using as a coagulant,calcium chloride instead of gypsum. This tofu is cut to square tablets, frozen and kept frozen for up to 3 weeks and then thawed. After the freeze-thaw cycle, a considerable proportion of the water can be pressed out, and the remaining moisture can be easily removed by air drying. The dry blocks of kori-tofu are then cured with ammonia gas and packaged.
Kori-tofu must be reconstituted in water before it is used. Reconstitution is easy, due to the sponge-like structure of the solid created by the freeze-thaw cycle, and the partial solubilization of the protein by the contact with ammonia gas.
In the traditional way of making kori-tofu, the cold nights were used to freeze the fresh curd tablets.
9-5-4 Deep-Fried Tofu
A significant proportion of the tofu production in Japan is further processed to a large variety of deep-fried products, such as "aburage". Deep frying changes the characteristics of tofu and renders it elastic and chewy. Two step frying methods (first step at 120o C, second step at about 200o C) cause considerable puffing of the tofu. The change in texture is so marked that some varieties of deep-fried tofu may be regarded as meat analogs.
9-5-5 Fermented Tofu
Fermented varieties of bean curd are made in China and called Su Fu . To prepare Su Fu, a tough textured tofu with a moisture content of less than 70% is made first. The curd is cut to small (3 cm.) cubes,heated, cooled and inoculated with mould (usually Mucor sp.). After the surface is covered with mycelium (about a week), the pieces are cured for several months in brine containing soy sauce, soy paste, spices and rice wine.
Su Fu is usually packaged in earthenware jars, in a mixture of brine, rice wine and condiments.
Su Fu is a white, creamy food resembling a semi-soft cheese.
29-11-2010, 03:17 AM
الاخ م. جمال عبد العظيم ارجو تزويدي برقم هاتفك وبريدك الالكتروني علي ايميلي الخاص ahmedalmahdi[at]gmail.com للاهمية وشكرا لك على المعلومات
ابو النور
27-12-2010, 10:33 PM
السلام عليكم :
السيد ابو ريم المحترم
اسست شركتنا بامكانيات متواضعة وبحمد الله اول معمل لحليب الصويا في سوريا وجوارها وهو المعمل المرخص الوحيد سجل صناعي رقم واحد ولدينا خبرة واسعة بتصنيع حليب الصويا ومشتقاته اللبنية ومستحضرات التجميل تجهيز خطوط انتاجها من الالف الى الياء
نحن على استعداد للتعاون معكم والله ولي التوفيق
موقعنا : www.soyaco.com (http://www.soyaco.com)
حسام العيد
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