المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : طلب أسس تعلم الالبان

new user
04-08-2010, 10:22 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة

أنا طالب زراعى تخصص البان
وجديد فى التخصص
السنة القادمة ان شاء الله

أريد من حضراتكم
أسس أو ركائز تعلم الالبان تدريجياً

أى عناوين المواضيع
وما ينبغى لمبتدء تعلمة

المهندس الجميلي
05-08-2010, 09:53 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة

أنا طالب زراعى تخصص البان
وجديد فى التخصص
السنة القادمة ان شاء الله
أريد من حضراتكم
أسس أو ركائز تعلم الالبان تدريجياً

أى عناوين المواضيع
وما ينبغى لمبتدء تعلمة

اخي الفاضل

ارجو من حضرتك ان تكتب طلباتك بموضوع الطلبات والاستفسارات حتى يتسنى لنا متابعة مايطلبه اعضاء وزوار منتدى زراعة نت .... اما بخصوص طلبك فني اعتقد ان هناك كتب كثيرة جميله الاسلوب وغزيرة المعاني ويمكنك مراجعة مكتبة الالبان في المنتدى اما من راي الشخصي فان كتاب Dairy Science and Technology, Second Edition (Food Science and Technology) (http://gigapedia.com/items/112209/dairy-science-and-technology--second-edition--food-science-and-technology-) لمؤلفيه Pieter Walstra, Jan T. M. Wouters, Tom J. Geurts يكاد يكون كتاب شامل جدا من حيث ما يحتاجه الدارس بمجال الالبان من كيمياء وفيزياء وتكنولوجيا ومايكروبيولوجيا وغيرها وهو ذات لغة سلسة فاني انصح بقراءته

واليك تفاصيل الكتاب

Publisher: CRC
Number Of Pages: 808
Publication Date: 2005-09-29
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0824727630
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780824727635

Binding: Hardcover

وصف عن الكتاب

The primary theme of this book is the efficient transformation of milk into high quality products. This needs a thorough understanding of the composition an
properties of milk, and of the changes occurring in milk and its products during
processing and storage. Moreover, knowledge of the factors that determine product quality, including health aspects and shelf life, is needed. Our emphasis is on the principles of physical, chemical, enzymatic, and microbial transformations Detailed manufacturing prescriptions and product specifications are not given, as,they are widely variable .Aimed at university food science and technology ,majors, the book is writtenas a text, though it will also be useful as a work of reference. It is assumed that
the reader is familiar with the rudiments of food chemistry, microbiology, an
engineering. Nevertheless, several basic aspects are discussed for the benefit of,readers who may be insufficiently acquainted with these aspects. The book contains,no references to the literature, but suggestions for further reading are give,The book is made up of four main parts. Part I, “Milk,” discusses the chemistry,physics, and microbiology of milk. Besides providing knowledge of the,properties of milk itself, it forms the basis for understanding what happens during,processing, handling and storage. Part II, “Processes,” treats the main unit,operations,applied in the manufacture of milk products. These are discussed in some,detail, especially the influence of product and process variables on the (intermediate),product resulting. A few highly specific processes, such as churning, are,discussed in product chapters. In Part III, “Products,” integration of knowledge
of the raw material and of processing is covered for the manufacture of several
products. The number of dairy products made is huge; hence, some product groups,have been selected because of their general importance or to illustrate relevant,aspects. Procedures needed to ensure consumer safety, product quality, and processing,efficiency are also treated. Part IV, “Cheese,” describes the processes an
transformations (physical, biochemical, and microbial) in the manufacture and
ripening of cheese. Here, the processes are so specific and the interactions so
intricate that a separate and integrated treatment is needed. It starts with generic وaspects and then discusses specific groups of cheese
Several important changes have been introduced in this second edition. The
reasons were, first, to improve the didactic quality of the book and, second, to
make it more useful as a reference source. More basic and general aspects are
now treated, especially physicochemical and microbiological ones. Part I has
been substantially enlarged, one reason why the title of the book has been
broadened. The nutritional aspects of milk components are now included, and
those of some products are enlarged. A section on milk formation has been added. Naturally, the text has been updated. Moreover, several parts have been reorganized or rewritten. Factual information has been increased and partly
moved to an Appendix

رابط الكتاب

http://ifile.it/c7pvjl2/dsctecseedcrc.rar (http://ifile.it/c7pvjl2/dsctecseedcrc.rar)

new user
05-08-2010, 06:50 PM
مشكور المهندس الجميلي
وآسف على كتابة طلبى خارج موضوع الطلبات

المهندس الجميلي
05-08-2010, 07:42 PM
مشكور المهندس الجميلي
وآسف على كتابة طلبى خارج موضوع الطلبات

اخي الفاضل وجد المنتدى لخدمة زائريه وسبب طلبي لك كتابة الموضوع ضمن الطلبات هو للرد السريع ليس الا .... تقبل تحياتي ونحن بخدمتكم دائماً وابداً

31-08-2010, 06:58 PM
وليه يعنى مفيش كتب ومراجع باللغة العربيه للدارس المبتدىء فى التخصص - يوجد مجموعة كتب قيمة من اساتذة جامعة اسكندرية

محمد أبوصالح
31-08-2010, 09:57 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

شكرا للأخ العزيز المهندس الجميلي على هذا الكتاب الشامل في مجال الالبان بارك الله فيك

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