مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : The glorious October War 1973
الصباح النجار
07-10-2009, 06:02 PM
The glorious October War 1973
why the war and its causes
October War is one of the rounds of Arab-Israeli conflict. Is a war to recover the Sinai Peninsula and Golan Heights that have already been occupied by Israel and the end result is to destroy the Bar Lev line and cross the Suez Canal and the recovery of parts of the Sinai and then retrieve the full war broke out when the Egyptian and Syrian armies attacked hijacker forces the Israeli army, which was upright in the peninsula Sinai and the Golan Heights, the areas occupied by the Israeli army from Egypt and Syria in the 1967 war.
Israel spent the six years that followed the war of June to fortify their positions in the Golan and Sinai, and spent large sums of money to support a series of Alhchinat on their positions in the areas of the Golan Heights and the Suez Canal, to be known as Bar-Lev line.
In August 29, 1967, met the leaders of the Arab League conference in the Sudanese capital Khartoum, and published a statement containing the so-called "three noes": no recognition of Israel, not to negotiate with them and refused to peaceful relations with them. November 22, 1967 in the Security Council passed United Nations Resolution 242 which calls for Israeli withdrawal from the land (the Arabic version of Resolution 242 with the word land while containing the English word land), which was occupied in June 1967 with the demand that neighboring Arab countries to recognize Israel and its borders. In September 1968 renewed fighting in a very limited cease-fire lines between Israel and Egypt and Syria, including the so-called war of attrition, forcing the United States to propose plans for a peaceful settlement in the Middle East, and U.S. Secretary of State William Rogers had proposed three plans on both sides of the plan The first was in December 9, 1969, and June 1970, and October 4, 1971. The first initiative was rejected in all respects, and Egypt has declared its consent to the Rogers Plan second to give herself more time to equip the army and complement the missile shield for the battle ahead, led this consent to the cessation of hostilities in the Suez Canal Zone, and if the Government of Israel to reach a clear decision on this plan. In the September 28, 1970 died of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, Anwar Sadat, has been appointed president of the Republic. Presented in February 1971, Anwar Sadat to UN envoy Gunnar Jarring, who conducted the negotiations between Egypt and Israel, the Rogers Plan II, conditions for reaching a peaceful settlement between Israel and Egypt, the most important Israeli withdrawal to the borders of June 4, 1967. Israel has rejected the conditions which led to a stalemate in negotiations. In 1973 decided to Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Syrian President Hafez al-Assad to resort to war to recover the ground lost by the Arabs in the war in 1967. The plan was designed to rely on Egyptian intelligence, Syrian intelligence and in planning for the war and deceive the security and intelligence agencies and the American and Israeli surprise attack, Israel is expected from both the Egyptian and Syrian fronts, and this is what happened, where the lightning was a surprise to Israeli intuitions.
Achieved armies Almbarowalsori strategic objectives desired from behind the sudden onset of Israel's military, there have been significant achievements in the first days after the war, where Egyptian forces penetrated 20 kilometers east of the Suez Canal and Syrian troops were able to enter into the depth of the Golan Heights. In the end of the war Vantash the Israeli army and was able to contain the Third Field Army, which led to the exposure of the missile shield, which led to the success of Israeli troops in the destruction of the wall through the so-called Gap Deversoir, and between the two armies was the second and third field extension of West Timor to the Suez Canal.
Great two countries intervened at that time in the context of the war in Iraq indirectly, where the Soviet Union provided arms Syria and Egypt, while the United States provided Israel with military equipment. At the end of the war work of the U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger as an intermediary between the two sides reached a truce agreement remains in force between Syria and Israel. Egypt and Israel changed the Armistice Agreement a comprehensive peace agreement in the "Camp David" 1979.
Of the most important outcome of the war to recover full sovereignty over the Suez Canal, and the recovery of part of the land in the Sinai Peninsula. And recover part of the Golan Heights, including the city of Kenitra and return to Syrian sovereignty. Other findings crash myth that the army of Israel is not invincible and that he would say the military leaders in Israel, and that the war paved the way for the Camp David agreement between Egypt and Israel, which was held in September 1978, following Anwar Sadat's historic initiative in November 1977 and his visit to Jerusalem . The war also led to the return of navigation in the Suez Canal in June 1975.
الصباح النجار
07-10-2009, 06:03 PM
October War
Wreckage of a plane-4 Skyhawk Israeli dropped by Egyptian forces in the 1973 war.
Egypt and Syria, aimed to recover the land occupied by Israel by force, a unified attack by surprise, on 6 October that approved the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur, the Syrian forces attacked the fortifications and the rules of Israeli forces in the Golan Heights, while Egyptian forces attacked Israel fortifications along the Suez Canal, deep in the peninsula .
The 1973 war, Egypt was called to order an air strike by airport Bilbeis air war (located in the Eastern province - about 60 km north-east of Cairo) and was formed from about 222 fighter aircraft crossed the Suez Canal line of radar detection of the Israeli army together at the same time at exactly two o'clock in the afternoon at an altitude of very low. The targeted sanctions with plants and disability in the mother or Khchib Marjm Alumblyz Airport and other airports and radar stations and air defense batteries and groupings of individuals and armored vehicles, tanks, artillery and strong points in the Bar Lev line and oil refineries and ammunition stores. It was a two-stroke consecutive terms as Russian experts, the success of the first of about 30% and losses by about 40%, and in view of the immense success of the first strike, amounting to around 95% loss of about 2.5% has been the abolition of the second strike.
At the same time Syrian aircraft launched a major assault on Israeli positions and fortifications in the depth of the Golan Heights and attacked the military groups, tanks and artillery emplacements and radar stations, supply lines and the Syrian army has achieved a great success and according to a plan revealed to the battlefield in front of the Syrian troops and tanks made of several kilometers on the first day of the war, which caused confusion and blurred the Israeli army, who was receiving strikes everywhere in the Golan Heights.
See the article: an air strike (the Yom Kippur War)
Syria and Egypt has succeeded in achieving a victory for them, as has been breached the Bar Lev Line "invincible", during the six hours from the beginning of the battle, troops destroyed a large Syrian fortifications built by Israel in the Golan Heights and the Egyptian forces to prevent Israeli forces from the use of napalm pipeline plan amazing, and shattered the myth of the Israeli army is not invincible, in the Egyptian Sinai and Syrian Golan, has also returned the Suez Canal and part of the Sinai in Egypt, and part of the Golan Heights and the city of Kenitra in Syria.
الصباح النجار
07-10-2009, 06:04 PM
Syrian-Egyptian front Alhabhp gap Deversoir
The attack came on 6 October Indeed, on 10 September 1973, which was approved in that year the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur. On this day, the majority of disruption of public services, including the media, air and maritime transport, on the occasion of Eid. Was approved by that date, the tenth of Ramadan, which is also date of birth of Hafez al-Assad.
Israeli government received the first information on the planned attack on the fifth of October (October) inviting the Israeli prime minister Golda Meir and some cabinet ministers for an emergency session in Tel Aviv on the eve of the feast, but not enough time for the recruitment of reserve forces, which depends upon the Israeli army.
Select the Egyptian and Syrian armies date of the attack to the second hour in the afternoon, as suggested by Syrian President Hafez al-Assad, after he fell out the Syrians and the Egyptians on the zero hour. While the Egyptians prefer to be sunrise sunset is the best for the Syrians, so it was not expected to choose noon to start the attack.
Syrian troops began the attack and launched artillery shells at Israeli fortifications in the Golan, and drove thousands of ground troops into the Syrian Golan Heights, supported by a large force of tanks on the Syrian front, while he was flying the Syrian Air Force bombarded Israeli positions across the channel and 8,000 Egyptian soldiers, and then Successive waves crossing the second and the third for the number of Egyptian forces on the east bank by night to 60,000 troops, at a time when the Egyptian Corps of Engineers opens the gaps in the berm with water cannons, high pay.
At second was running sirens all over Israel to declare a state of emergency and appealed the Israeli radio transmission, although the feast. And reserve forces began recruiting a few hours before that which led to Astonav traffic in cities, which raised questions in the Israeli public. Despite the expectations of the Egyptians and the Syrians, Israeli recruitment was relatively easy because the majority of people stayed at home or gathered in churches to perform the Eid prayers. But the short time that was available for recruitment and the failure to equip the army to prevent the war from the Israeli army to respond to the joint Egyptian-Syrian attack.
Enable the Egyptian army during the first days of crossing the Suez Canal and the destruction of the Israeli Bar-Lev line defense impregnable. Began the attack on both fronts simultaneously at exactly two o'clock in the afternoon air raids and artillery shelling along the lines of a comprehensive front. Syrian troops moved infiltrated Israeli lines and Mekpdp Israeli losses were not used during the previous wars with the Muslims. During the two days of fighting, Egypt is controlled on the east bank of the Suez Canal and Syria Syrian army has been able to liberate the city of Kenitra and Mount Hermon Home Mrasdh with sophisticated electronic.
Egyptian army achieved a tangible achievements until 14 October as the spread of Egyptian forces on the eastern bank of the Suez Canal, and on the ninth day of the war Vvclt Egyptian troops trying to overrun the front line and enter deep into the Sinai desert and access times, and the decision was appreciated by some is the worst strategic decision taken by the leadership during the war because it made the afternoon of the Egyptian army west of the canal semi-naked wrapped in any process and is what actually happened. On this day the United States government decided to create a "air bridge" of Israel, any aircraft carrying military equipment to supply the Israeli army, including lacking the gear.
The Syrian army continued to attack Israeli positions and heavy attack on October 7, thus enabling the seizure of Israeli rule, located on the shoulder of a generation-Sheikh in the landing which took heroic Observatory on Mount Hermon, and on lands in the southern Golan Heights and the Syrian flag atop the highest summit on Mount Hermon, dropped many of the units under the power of the Israeli Syrian pressure. Israel evacuated Israeli civilians who have settled in the Golan until the end of the war.
October 8 Syrian troops have stepped up their offensive and Syria launched a rocket attack on the village of Migdal Haimq east of Marj Ibn Amer inside Israel, and Israeli air base at Ramat David, also in Marj Ibn Amer.
On October 9 was shot down by Syrian defenses large numbers of Israeli aircraft, which left huge losses in the ranks of the IDF and Israel has requested urgent assistance from the United States for its support on the Syrian front.
However, the cessation of hostilities on the Egyptian front due to exposure of the Egyptian forces back to the enemy, and landing the air-bridge between Israeli forces and the Egyptian front, the U.S., and any fear of getting around the Egyptian forces, which was in the events Igrpandma tried to enter the Egyptian leadership of the depth and reach of the times, and drew attention from the front Syrian plan to cover the imbalance with Soeriaalte agreed not to strike the strengths of Israel in the forehead as impressive, which alerted the war early, and the massive U.S. military aid to Israel during the fighting, and the airlift of American military aid and landing of American tanks in the middle of the battle in the Golan Heights also helped the Israelis to to a successful counter attack in the Golan Heights on 11 October (October), the Israeli army tried to stop the assistance of a direct American of Syrian troops from the progress towards the international border, prompting Egyptian army to carry out an incursion into the forehead without the cover of protected to draw attention away from the Syrian front, causing the gap in the events of the famous .
Statue of Egyptian soldiers as they crossed the Suez Canal
On the night of 15 October, a small Israeli force has been able to pass the Suez Canal to the western shoreline and began to encircle the Third Army of the Egyptian forces.
This form of Israeli forces crossing into the West Bank of the channel problem caused a gap in the ranks of the Egyptian forces, known as the "gap Deversoir" and as Major General Saad El Shazly Israeli forces west of the canal in his book "" Memoirs of the October War, "" Boom October 17 with four armored divisions twice Egyptian armor west of the canal.
The commander of the Egyptian Minister of War, referring to Mr. President Anwar Sadat that he will remove troops gap Israelis and Egyptians who Baltgrp and had a nearly more than half of There Israeli army but the U.S. intervened to salvage the situation.
On October 23, Israeli forces were deployed around the Third Army, which forced the Egyptian army to stop fighting.
On 24 October (October) has been implementing the cease-fire.
War of Attrition
In early 1974, Syria has cracked, is not convinced of his or her conclusion of fighting in an attempt to recover and liberate the rest of the territory of the Golan Heights, launched a war of attrition against Israeli troops in the Golan Heights, centered on the Mount Hermon area, and lasted 82 days, where the Israeli army had inflicted heavy losses.
Brokered by the United States, through shuttles to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Henry Kissinger, in a military disengagement agreement between Syria and Israel. Text of the agreement signed in June (June 1974) on the withdrawal of Israel from the strip of land occupied in 1967, includes the city of Kenitra.
In the June 24 lift President Hafez al-Assad the Syrian flag in the sky Kenitra editor, but that the Israelis had resorted to the systematic destruction of the city before their withdrawal, and Syria decided not to reconstruct before the return of all the Golan Heights to Syrian sovereignty.
Bar-Lev Line
Bar-Lev line was the most powerful line of defense in modern history begins from the Suez Canal to a depth of 12 kilometers inside the Sinai Peninsula along the eastern bank of the canal, one of the two lines: consists of engineering equipment and emplacements for tanks and artillery and occupied reserves armor and artillery units, mechanical, length of 170 km on along the Suez Canal. After 1967, Israel has built the Bar Lev Line, proposed by Haim Bar-Lev, the Israeli chief of staff in the period after the 1967 war in order to secure the Israeli army occupied the Sinai Peninsula.
Annexation of the Bar Lev Line 22 defensive positions, 26 points, vulnerable, and were immunized reinforced concrete buildings, concrete blocks and rails to prevent against all acts of bombing, as were all points of the emplacement of 26 guns, 24 shelter for individuals and a set of bunkers for weapons, anti-tank emplacements tanks and mortars, and 15 a range of barbed wire and minefields and all vulnerable points, a plant engineering complex consisting of several floors, and sinks into the ground and an area of 4000 square meters and was provided with each point a number of shelters and bunkers for which the air and hit the heavy artillery, and all the emplacement has several openings for the artillery and tanks, bunkers and relate to each other by deep trenches, and every point equipped to achieve the defense if the ring fell any part of the neighboring parts, and relates to each site to other sites as well as wired and wireless contact with local leaders to connect with telephone lines network of Civil Lines in Israel, can the Israeli soldier in his conversation Bar-Lev Line in Israel.
Discriminate line Brleaf Bsatr dirt is very high (20 to 22 m) and slope angle of 45 degrees on the opposite side of the channel, was also marked by a 20 point called fortified bunkers at distances ranging from 10 to 12 km and every point about 15 soldiers confined Mswlithm to report any attempt to cross the canal and direct artillery to place forces trying to cross. Terraces as it was fixed tank, so have the fixed points of the bombing in if required in emergency situations. As in the base pipe is in the Suez Canal to ignite the surface of the channel in the event of napalm troops tried to cross, but before crossing the frogmen, a naval special address those Alonabet in preparation for the transit of troops in the next day.
Israel has long promoted this line, it is impossible to cross and that Istia genocide if the Egyptian army attempted to cross the Suez Canal, and claimed to be the strongest line Maginoh built by the French in World War.
Enable the Egyptian army in the sixth day of October 1973 from crossing the Suez Canal and penetrate the berm in 81 different location and the removal of 3 million cubic meters of earth through the use of water pumps, high pressure, the bought and the Ministry of Agriculture to disguise the political and then were taken over most of points limited and vulnerable to loss of 441 Israeli military killed 126 and captured 161 and did not hold only one point is the point of Budapest in the far north in the face of Port Said was opposed by Ariel Sharon, who was commander of the southern front on the idea of fixed-line and suggested immunizations, more mobile combat, but it increased the fortifications during the war of attrition.
The costs of the Bar Lev Line $ 500 million in that time.
الصباح النجار
07-10-2009, 06:06 PM
Israeli forces
Land Forces
1. The driving range operations.
2. Armored brigade.
3. Independent tank battalions.
4. Infantry brigade.
5. Infantry brigade.
6. Paratrooper brigade.
7. Nahal Brigade.
8. Field artillery battalion, medium and mortar.
9. Artillery battalion anti-tank missiles.
10. Battalion anti-tank missiles.
The total major parts to this volume of the troops: about 2350 Medium battle tank, 1593 field gun and mortar, 906 pieces of anti-tank missiles.
Air Force
887 variety of aircraft, including 457 combat aircraft, fighter-bomber.
Air Defense Forces (under the leadership of Air Force)
(1) 13 position surface / Joe Hawk.
(2) 15 20 battalion anti-aircraft artillery, a variety of calibers.
This is unlike the battalions and units of ground forces by a battalion of each brigade and each division's headquarters which is equivalent to 36 battalions. The Air Force Commander Major-General Subhi fractions of mourning.
77 assorted pieces, including 3 of landing vessels offshore, 3 submarines, 14 surface-boat / surface, 9 torpedo boat. O; o
Egyptian forces
(1) the Army Field the second component of the
3 infantry.
1 mechanized infantry task force.
1 armored division.
6 infantry brigade, for a regional defense brigade.
7 of the mechanized infantry brigade (including the infantry brigade of the band number 3 mechanized infantry reserve GC).
4 armored brigade (including the independent armored brigade).
1 Group of lightning.
2 independent infantry battalion (including an infantry battalion Kuwait)
(2) the third field army
2 infantry division (7, 19).
1 mechanized infantry task force (6).
1 armored division (4).
4 infantry brigade, for a regional defense brigade (32).
Group lightning, lightning brigade Palestinians.
(3) 8 command of the military (including the leadership of the Red Sea military).
1 lead the military (the military sector of Port Said).
5 Infantry Division (Figures 2, 7, 16, 18, 19).
3 mechanized infantry task force (3, 6, 23).
2 armored division (4, 21).
10 armored brigade (including 3 independent brigades).
14 mechanized infantry brigade (including the banner of an independent).
14 Infantry Brigade (including 3 independent infantry brigade, infantry brigade fleet amphibious).
3 of the paratrooper brigade, 6 set by lightning.
B. Air Force
522 variety of aircraft, including 398 combat aircraft, fighter-bomber, bomber.
C. Air Defense Forces
(1) 5 air defense task force (22 brigade headquarters missiles, 135 fire Battalion, 17 Regiment, anti-aircraft artillery, 28 artillery battalion, anti-aircraft, 5 battalion shoulder-fired missiles model / SAM - 7 / and / / 7 radar Regiment, 20 Battalion radar, and control units given).
C. The Red Sea area military
(1) 2 independent infantry brigade.
(2) 2 group stun them a support group.
(3) 1 Tank Battalion independent.
(4) in addition to the infantry brigade of the division number 6 after a batch of bridge capital of the Third Army on the ground in the direction of South Sinai.
D. Port Said, the military sector
2 infantry brigade and independent sector to follow the leadership of the Second Army in the field.
3. Reserves the Egyptian General Command: (strategic reserve)
A. 1 mechanized infantry task force (minus the infantry brigade to the band number 3).
B. 3 armored brigade (including 2 independent armored brigade 35, 27 Republican Guards).
C. 3 of the paratrooper brigade and the storming of air (170, 182, 128 minus a battalion).
D. 1 Group of lightning (145).
Syrian forces
Land Forces
Formed by the General Command and the leaders of field operations as well as hosting of several brigades, mechanized infantry and armored brigades and a number of infantry battalions and field artillery battalions and artillery anti-tank battalions and anti-tank missiles, and missile units, portable tanks, troops and battalions and brigades Alamadliyn troops and special units, reconnaissance units, engineering and other support units and support.
Air Force
Fighter planes, bombers and helicopters air defense brigades anti-aircraft artillery battalions and included anti-aircraft missiles, including SAM missiles, and types of units, reconnaissance and surveillance and radar battalions.
Syrian Navy
Included missile boats and motor torpedo boats and reconnaissance unit.
Egyptian Air Force, Syrian
Aircraft MiG-21s participated in the 1973 war on display in the museum open Egyptian military.
- Syrian aircraft and types before October 6, 1973, which were as follows:
- Fighters and fighter-bombers:
- MiG-21
- MiG-17
- Sukhoi-7
- Sukhoi 20
- Sukhoi 17
- Mirage 5
- Hawker Hunter
- Launchers:
- Tupolev Tu--16
- Ilyushin Il -28
- Helicopters:
- Aircraft-mile 8 and mile -6
- Transportation:
Antonov 12
The number of Syrian aircraft before the war:
-260 MiG-21
-200 MiG-17 (including 50 in the reform)
-120 Sukhoi-7
- 50 Sukhoi-20
-16 Su-17
-28 Tupolev Tu-16
-10 Ilyushin 28
-140 Helicopter mile 4, mile 6, a tendency -8
This is unlike the training aircraft of the type rallying 29 and of which there were 90 aircraft, and Arab support, which was as follows:
-54 Mirage 5
-25 Hawker Hunter
-25 MiG-21
-25 MiG-17
-25 Su-7
It was on top of this support Iraqi air support where you might put 24 Iraqi aircraft in Egypt to serve the Egyptian air force
End of the war
United States stepped in and the Member States of the Security Council of the United Nations has been issued Resolution No. 338 which requires the cessation of all hostilities starting on October 22, 1973.
And Egypt accepted the decision and implemented as of the evening the same day, but the Israeli forces violated the cease-fire, the Security Council adopted a resolution last on October 23, requiring all parties to the ceasefire.
But Syria did not accept the cease-fire, and started a new war, called the «war of attrition» aim is to affirm the steadfastness of the Syrian front and increase pressure on Israel to return the rest of the Golan Heights, after the victories achieved by the Syrian army and the Exodus from Egypt after the battle and this war continues for 82 days. At the end of May 1974 after the cessation of hostilities agreement was reached for the separation of forces between Israel and Syria, which Israel evacuated civilian Kenitra and parts of the territories occupied in 1967.
Arab States and the size of its participation
Joined several Arab countries in war and military contributions following is a list of each country and according to importance, as stated in the notes of the Working Saad El Shazly:
Posted Iraq [1] two armored divisions, 3 infantry brigades and squadrons of aircraft to the Syrian front and hit the participation of Iraq's military as follows:
250-500 tank
500 armored
73 aircraft are:
Egyptian front:
Two squadrons of the Hawker Hunter
The Syrian front:
Two squadrons of MiG-21
3 squadrons of Sukhoi-17 aircraft
Algerian participation
Algeria participated war in October 1973 on the Egyptian front of the Eighth Infantry Regiment mechanical, Algerian President Houari Boumedienne had asked the Soviet Union to buy aircraft and weapons to be sent to the Egyptians after the arrival of information from the spy Algeria in Europe before the war that Israel plans to attack Egypt and resumed his contacts with the Soviets But the Soviets demanded large sums of money, what was the Algerian President that gave them a blank check and said to them, Write the amount you want to be, and so were the planes and the necessary equipment and then sent to Egypt, and some of these statistics as submitted by Algeria for the war which was the second country in terms of support for the war.
A few species:
2115 troops
812 non-commissioned officer
192 officer
Materiel: Bari:
96 tanks
32 vehicles tracked
12 field gun
16 anti-aircraft gun
A squadron of MiG-21
Serban of the MiG-17
A squadron of Sukhoi-7
Total Aircraft: approximately 50 aircraft
Libyan involvement
Libya sent an armored brigade to Egypt in addition to two squadrons of aircraft the 54 Mirage as follows:
20 Mirage
20 Mirage
Mirage 2
12 Mirage
To be Serbian and one manned by Egyptian and another manned Libyans.
Jordanian participation
Jordanian troops took part in the war on the Syrian front by sending an armored brigade to the
الصباح النجار
07-10-2009, 06:07 PM
Syrian front.
Moroccan participation
Morocco has participated armored brigade on the Syrian front, and arrived before the war began a few weeks.
Infantry Brigade, also participated on the Egyptian front and went to Egypt after the beginning of the war to send a squadron F-5 before the start of the war to Egypt.
Saudi participation
The armed forces of Saudi Arabia support the following to the Syrian front [
The banner of King Abdul Aziz mechanical (3 batches)
Armored Regiment Banhard (42 armored Banhard + 18 armored personnel carriers + 50 vehicle Administrative Affairs)
Field Artillery Regiment 105 mm
Parachute Regiment IV
2 artillery battery 155-mm self-propelled
Battery of anti-aircraft 40 mm
Secret gun 106 - for 8
Secret gun 106 - M - d - L 20
Signal company
Secret dam owners
Secret mortar
Maintenance tank platoon
Maintenance company + confidential medical
Military police unit
Sudanese involvement
Sudan sent to the infantry brigades to the Egyptian front in addition to the battalion and special units.
Kuwaiti participation
Kuwait sent two formations
In the Syrian front: the power of Jahra Almjehvlp estimated Bbloa composed of 4 battalions, a tank battalion and an artillery battalion and one mechanized infantry battalion and a battalion composed of infantry + commandos and secret air defense and other companies bonds.
In front of Egypt: an infantry battalion + squadron consisting of the Hawker Hunter Hawker Hunter 5 and two C -130 Hercules for the transfer of ammunition and spare parts.
Tunisian participation
Tunisia sent an infantry battalion of about 1000 troops to the Egyptian front, published in the Nile Delta region.
Greetings to all the Arabs who were convicted and will remain one
God bless all the martyrs
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