المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : سلامة الغذاء

14-07-2009, 01:42 PM
Food contamination
Contamination of food can arise at any point in the food manufacturing or
processing chain, e.g. from contaminated raw materials, contaminated processing
or cooking equipment, inadequate levels of personal hygiene and at the delivery
or service stage. The sources of food contamination can be broadly classified into:
a) physical sources, such as soil and foreign bodies, e.g. metal and
b) chemical sources, such as cleaning agents and food additives; and
c) biological sources, namely those causing contamination by a range of
micro-organisms, resulting in food spoilage, food poisoning and, in
some cases, death.
Whilst physical and chemical sources can be controlled by appropriate
management systems, the control of biological contamination is more difficult
but, on the other hand, vital. Microbiological contamination is associated with
a range of bacteria, viruses and moulds which, under the right conditions, will

14-07-2009, 05:31 PM
Thank you for your themes and beautiful addition to the safety of food


18-07-2009, 10:17 PM
يسعدنى زملائى الاعزاء البدء فى كتابة سلسلة مقالات عن سلامة الغذاء لما لهذا الموضوع من اهمية فى الفترة الراهنة كما ارجو مشاركتم لما فيه الفائدة والنفع ولتكن البداية عن اصل ومفهوم النظافة