1. Conclusions
1. With reference to FAO standard, wastewater as treated in Soba treatment plant can be used for irrigation purposes however more care is needed to be given to the high level of the bicarbonate (HCO3-).
2. Treated wastewater increased Ec, pH, OC, N, Na, Ca, Mg, K, Cl, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Pb, Co and P in the soil.
3. Ecs increase with depth, while Na, Cl and P were leached to deeper soil profiles as compared to N, OC, Ca, Mg, K, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn, Pb and Co.
4. The high nutritive value of the wastewater resulted in better forage crop establishment and yield.
5. The quality of the forage crop irrigated with treated wastewater was found to conform to the standard level of the American National Academy of Sciences except (P%), which registered higher values than the standard.

2. Recommendations
1. Wastewater should be viewed as a resource which must be recovered and added to the water budget.
2. The study suggested that treated wastewater can be used safely to irrigate forage crops with a continuous monitoring of effluent quality.
3. Further research is needed to investigate adaptability of using treated wastewater for producing field crops, horticultural crops and for landscape.
4. Investigation of physical, chemical and biological treatments efficiency is highly recommended.
5. Research in pathogenic efficacy of treated wastewater is recommended.
6. Treated wastewater samples should be taken from one site and one time.
7. Research in the product and byproduct of the animal feeded by forage irrigated with treated wastewater is recommended.

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